A workforce giant keeps the world strong. None have said they are who they are (just because). Don’t suck the soul out of a workforce giant who keeps this world movin’. Take a sneak preview of the workforce giants below.
Hearty Living
As young as five years old, we learn that to be successful you must work. We learn scheduling, routine, and social skills when we’re sent to school. We learn how to manage our belongings at home. We learn how to pitch in and build a foundation within our family.As an adult, we should look at the workplace as a place where we become successful. At the end of every week we fill our wallet with more than it had in it yesterday. Hopefully you’ve learned self-control and good management skills from your childhood. If not, it’s never too late to learn.
It sometimes takes a blink to establish the right job that suits each individual. Reducing stress in the workplace reduces workplace injuries. Work as if you were working for yourself. Train yourself to enjoy the workplace. Think of it as a physical education and the best solution to make the daily routine a healthy place. At the end of a stressful work day enjoy a Tea Fiesta!
Not Just Child Play
Think of how much fun it was as a child, getting your fingers dirty or climbing over stone ledges. A dirt pile was the perfect place to play with your trucks. Getting dirty was the least of your problems. If all our stresses could remain that simple.
Family Learning
The Spolar family learned fast that work was never going away. Even if you aren’t in construction, the day will come when we can guarantee you, you’ll need to be a construction worker. Spolars make work a family event.
Most people can’t wait to get out of work after 8 hours. The Spolars however, were taught how important good work ethics are. It’s part of survival. We admit the Spolars are workaholics.
Two heads are better than One
We strongly believe everyone should stand back and take pride in a job well done, at home and in the workplace. Healthy work habits contribute to our daily health as much as food does. For instance, the Spolar Twins’ first job was creating an outhouse for the picnic area.
Have a Tea Fiesta in your backyard!